Blemish Removal

What is Blemish Removal?

Do you have visible signs of aging through dark brown spots, broken capillaries, raised bumps on the skin which you cannot remove, embarrassing skin tags or milia? 

Non-Invasive Blemish Removal uses a direct high frequency for minor skin irregularities and epidermal conditions. It dehydrates and eliminates the top layer of a skin blemish so that new healthy skin can grow and replace the irregularity.

The Gold Standard of Electrolysis Equipment

Apilus xCell sets a new standard in the field of advanced electrolysis by raising the efficiency, speed and comfort of its predecessors to a whole new level. Patented and exclusive techniques. Avant-garde design. Intuitive navigation. Sophisticated design with touch screen, personalized treatment programs and the unique 27.12 MHz radio frequency all add up to give you a perfect combination of usability and performance.

What Irregularities Can Be Treated?


Skin Tags

Broken Capillaries

Sebacious Hyperplasia

Sebacious Keratosis


Cherry Angiomas

Frequently Asked Questions

I strongly encourage you to have your doctor examine any spot that is questionable, and I will not treat any lesion that I feel is not safe to do so.

Yes and no. After the treatment it may look like there is a scab-like crust over the area. This will fall off on its own in 7-14 days.  During the healing process the treated areas can be covered with mineral makeup. After that, the skin may look pinkish or brownish for up to 6-8 weeks as the new skin goes through the complete healing cycle and matches the surrounding area.

* If you’re concerned about possible down time the “15 minute treatment” is a great place to start.  You can easily add it on to the end of your next electrolysis treatment.

There is a small stinging pain associated with the touching of the probe to the skin, but there is no piercing or penetration which means that the entire process happens at the surface.  15-minute treatments are tolerable.  Consider adding numbing time to treatments of 30-45 minutes if you’re concerned about the sting.


You are not a candidate for treatment if any of the following conditions apply:

  1. Current or recent use of accutane, eczema, dermatitis, malignant skin tumors, open lesions, lupus, active herpes infection, and sunburn
  2. Refrain use of Tretinoin, Retin-A, Renova, Differin, Tazorac, Avage, EpiDuo, Ziana and high-percentage AHA and BHA products for approximately 7 days prior to treatment
  3. Pacemakers
  4. Pregnancy
  5. Nickel allergy
  6. Lupus
  7. Accutane users
  8. Melasma
  9. Moles
  10. Any dermatological disorder in the treatment area

Make An Appointment & Begin Your Journey!

Book your free consultation today with one of our specialists.  You can book online or by phone.  We look forward to meeting you!